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Friday, August 19, 2011

Head Couture!!!

TURBAN TREND now making a huge come back – on the streets, on the runways and in editorials. The look is now surprisingly wearable given the vast interpretations that are being created. Adds a touch of quirky-ness to your every day look; it can be dressed down with a tee and jeans of worn out with your favorite dress. Must have accessory for a wear now and also to carry into Fall.


10:14 am cdt

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm Back!!!!
I know that it has been sometime since my last post, but I wear different hats in my life and one of them happen to be a "basketball mom".  The month of July was a very busy month not only for me but for my 17 year old son who plays AAU Select basketball.  For all the moms out there who have children involved in select sports, you know what I am talking about....LOL!!!  Our entire month of July was filled with non-stop travel to many different states watching our son play nothing but basketball.  Well I am back now to wearing my "fashionista and interior decorator hat" and ready to bring the world of fashion and interior design right into the luxury of your living room...so sit back and enjoy the ride...It's Haute!!!!!

12:43 pm cdt

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