Summer Decorating and Entertaining Series: Summer Gardening



Summer gardening is one of my favorite things to do.  I would not go so far as to call it “one of my favorite past times” mainly because I work in my garden on a daily basis.  This summer, I am in the process of adding additional potted flowers , planting more perennials, and learning new tricks in weed control. This is my normal summer gardening routine, however, all the hustle and bustle about in my backyard garden is in preparation for a “summer soiree” I am hoping to plan and host for this summer.


This summer I wanted to incorporate more vibrant color into my flower beds and  flowerpots.  The vibrant pink and orange colors of the potted zinnias add that “pop” of color needed for my deck.



I once tried to grow zinnias in my front yard flower beds one season, but they did not fare too well.  I guess maybe the soil was not their cup of tea….LOL!!!


I love everything there is to love about coleus.  These are great flowers if you are needing to add height and provide texture, not to mention their great show of color.  It is important to have these in a semi-shade area of your yard or they will suffer greatly in sunny areas.



I saw this sign at Hobby Lobby and knew that it was a “must-have” for my home. I initially was going to place it in my front yard, but I thought that it would be a better conversation starter in my back yard since that is the area where we entertain our guests….LOL!!!

beware of owner


Who doesn’t love and appreciate the potato vine.  I learned something great about this vine… will come back every year if you do not pull it up after season.  Just let it die back on its own in the fall/winter and it is guaranteed to come back each season.  My mother comes by every season and picks off it to start her own vine in her flowerbed…of course free of charge!  This potato vine takes over this flowerbed every season…lucky me!

potato vine

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I love placing garden statues in my flowerbed…especially when they are statues of cherubs.  Of course, this wheel barrel does not tie in with my Victorian theme in this flowerbed, but the hubby is “country” and this is his way of adding some “country charm” to the flowerbed….LOL!!!



This is my second attempt at trying to grow Lantana.  The first time, I burned it to a crisp.  Not sure how that happened…I guess maybe from lack of water?…LOL!!  Well, ever since I found out that Lantana attracts butterflies, I am attempting to keep these lantanas very moist and hydrated.



Monogramming is a hot trend for garden design.  Of course, I had to have our initial “B” somewhere in my garden.  I found this flag at Garden Ridge for only $5.99, which is a steal of a price.  But the best deal was getting the pole two years earlier for only .99 cents out of season without the flag.  See it pays to dig for deals….LOL!!!!

monogram flag


Now, who in Texas is not going to have a bench without a “Texas star”…..enough said!

rustic bench


Ahhh, I love decorating to appeal to the five senses…..this one being “sound”.  This Lionhead water fountain was a bargain at Tuesday Morning for only $24.99 (purchased several years ago…sorry).  I sometimes use food coloring to make the water look more interesting as it flows from the lion’s mouth…incorporate whimsy…LOL!!

lionhead fountain